Another lovely cat siggie received. I always wonder why so many stitchers have cats.
The easter holidays are over, next monday back to school for the kids and back to work for me. We (me and DD) had a shopping week. Clothes for the kids, a new trampoline as the old one finally gave up. Especially Stein does a lot of jumping on it, all his anger and frustrations are forced out there. I saw a lovely hammock with a wooden stand that let me dream of warm summernights. And I ordered one! In summer, when it's too warm in the house, I love to sleep outside. I have a big umbrella on the terras and I put a camp bed under it (should it start to rain). I hope to sleep in my hammock this year!
I did a bit of spring cleaning too, the weather was nice and it's lovely to see through clean windows and sit in a bright house. Of course the cats always find a bit of fluff in a hidden corner to show afterwards :-)
Tomorrow is competition day in the crossbow guild. I'm not concentrated as I should lately, so the last shootings I was the red lantern (what we say for the last). Tomorrow won't be better I guess as today I won't be able to go to the workout. But I always have a lot to fun, they call me the jester in our guild. Next we have the annual dish for St George, after who the guild is named.