On the 23th of September hubby had his BD. His pub was finished in time, costed me a lot of sweat, but the result was there. It was my gift for him, I hope he can enjoy it for a long time.
I invited family and friends and we had a big party. Members of his band (he played for 25 years in the Belgian Red Hackle Pipe Band) came to give him a serenade. It was a very good day for him, he enjoyed it so much.
He was in hospital quite a bit lately, not much done in stitching and blogging. Going between hospital and working in the pub took up almost all of my time.
At the moment he is almost pain free, but gets loads of morphine. I'm glad he is back home and hope it will be so for a while, we feared the worst a couple of times during the last weeks, but it seems to have stabilized now.
Next time some stitching piccies!