The Lily of the Valley square is for the Regenboogkussens. The theme was flowers for several cushioncovers for the families of the people who died as a remembrance. Next we will stitch cushioncovers for the wounded people. I will stitch a rainbow for one of them, not sure if I will have the time for more.
DH was in the daycare center for palliative people yesterday. He was so happy, he was pampered all day, got a lovely bubble bath, a nice lunch and lovely companionship. He was full of stories when he came back home and slept like an angel. Next week he will go again.
And I got some time for my own. I've decided to go back to quilting. I made some placemats in a long forgotten past, but still have a stash of fabric. See if I still got the skill for it and make something small in the near future.