Also in siggieland I was very spoiled, this week the postman brought 4 of them.
I selected some names from the list I received, all from different countries. I hope I can find the time to stitch some more siggies and send them out.
I had some thoughts about the clothes of my late husband. I will gather his shirts (when I feel ready for it) and make a quilt out of the fabric. So I will have a beautiful remembrance and he will keep me warm always. I ordered some books to get ideas and than make some rough sketches to see what suits me best. I'm a beginner in that matter, only made some small placemats, so the design will not be too difficult. Also I want to stitch it all by hand. I wonder how long it will take, but it will be a labour of love.
The snow has melted away but the weather stays cold. I hope it will stay dry as I want to walk the dog, he wouldn't get out in the snow, only in the garden for a short while, but not for more than 5 minutes. I should excersise more too, so walking will be good for both of us.