This is the card I stitched for Heidi who is on the birthdaylist of one of the Yahoo groups I belong. I know she loves America and this year she chose this country as a theme. She is without PC at the moment, I read on the group, but the card is definitely on its place, so I can show it.
I didn't stitch this week, times were to hectic with hubby in hospital. The doctors had a nice surprise for us: he can come home tomorrow, the wounds are healing well and he is free of pain most of the time. I'm so happy for him, the poor darling has suffered so much the past half year.
And on Monday Kwispel (Flemish for tailwagger), a Jack Russell, is coming to live with us. It's DD's dog. They recentely got a second dog and they are quarreling too much. The other dog is too big to handle for my hubby (it's a Danish Dog), so the small one is coming to us. DD is very sad about it, but if she goes with the big one to an animal asylum, he will get a shot in the end. This is too sad as he only is 9 months old and very sweet. Kwispel is jalous and is making life bad for him, so the only option is to separate them. Our cats know him from his visits, so they will get used to him being with us all the time very soon. And he will be good company for hubby when I go to work. Kwispel is rather quiet for his race, DD took care that he wasn't too much agitated when he was a pup.
For those who are not used to kilos: I lost 11,44 pounds already. I'm thrilled!
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2 opmerkingen:
The card you stitched and finished for Heidi is really nice. The perfect design for someone whose theme is the USA.
It's great to read that your DH can already come home after his surgery. And that he feel good and is without pain.
Great stitching and I am so glad your DH is doing so much better.
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