Well, a lot of pics this time. There are the three BDcards, Marlies chose piggies and I got this little one who flew to her with its balloon. Mireille chose gardenflowers and I thought that sweet peas were appropriate. Sonja wanted things to do with the garden, so I sent her some tools.
My SAL is finished too, the fabric for the next season is ready cut already.
I also stitched the top from Barbara Ana's Frogscornu. Her designs are the theme of the RR I am taking part in. It will be all biscornus. We are 6 in this RR.
I also stitched on the Cut Thru' Lighthouse of Bothy Threads. The cross stitching and backstitching are all done. Only the lightbeams which are done in half cross stitches, so it goes very quickly.
For next month I hope to finish the lighthouse, the piece I have tot stitch in the RR (designs of Permin featuring a little red car and grey landscapes) and the next BDcard. Probably Summer will be coming up in the SAL too.
I asked for a cushioncover from Regenboogkussens for hubby and they accepted. The theme is Scotland. I will stitchEdinburgh castle and my daughter will stitch a piece too, probably the map of Scotland. Other people chose to stitch a Highland cow, a piper and a thistle. I will have to stitch in secret, it has to be a surprise!
I hope I can stitch in hospital, waiting for hubby when he's treated with chemotherapy. It will help to kill time. Small items like cards are ideal for this purpose.