Today I went into town to go shopping with my daughter.
6 december we have St Nicholas (Sinterklaas in Flemish), when kids find presents and sweets in their shoe in the morning. So we went shopping for the three rascals. Jelle, our youngest went with us, he is a very good tempered child and sits in his pram the whole day while we spend money.
We bought a lot of games, DS and Wii for the boys, and us! Jelle got a lot of clothes, they were so cute! I also went to the International Magazine store to get my cross stitch magazines and others. And I just had to stop at the shop Pippoos where little bibs and bobs are sold to make cards and scrap books. I spent far too much money and we still have the Christmas shopping to do! Help, who has the donkey with the moneybottem? Can I lend it for a couple of days? I will treat it very well!
Hubby stayed home, he can not cope with the city noises and business. He has a night out, a friend came to fetch him and go to a whisky tasting. I hope he has a good time. Yesterday he had a very bad day, was crying all the time. It's not easy to comfort a man in pain and fear.
I'm behind in stitching, normally I meet the deadline in time, my mailart will be too late, I am still stitching! And I still have to stitch an item for the Christmas exchange on one of my Yahoo groups.
I got my first Christmas cards today, sent out some with letters to my penfriends too. Will have to send the remaining out next week. And also those for friends and famuly closer to home. I hate the writing, takes so much time but when it's done and the mail is on its way, it gives a good feeling.
Kroegendorp, loodsendorp, zeemansdorp
2 weken geleden