This is a picture of my designwall. On my painters easel I have put a large wooden board and covered it with an old blanket, so I can pin things on it.
At the moment there are first of all the scraphouses. As you can see, there is progress. I designed a larger house to put in the middle of the top. It is only partly designed as I got stuck, there is place above the roof that isn't filled in yet. Right of the big house come 3 little houses as on the left part and beneath it come 3 more rows of houses. In the end I will have 52 little houses, one for every week of the year and a big one in the middle.
In the left upper corner, my hexagonflowers are out again, little things to do in the warm weather that is going on now and hopefully for many more days to come.
you van see a little brown thing just beside them, it's an arm for a doll from the Tilda designer. Probably a project over many months.
Kermit and his friends will become Christmastree decorations for my daughter who is a big fan of the Muppets.
In the left lower corner is the beginning of a Dresden plate flower. I purchased a template a while ago and had to try it.
And the notes you see beside it are the final instructions I wrote down for the fishesquilt, a project for the summer holidays.
On another (little) easel is a block of the top we (had to make) made in the patchwork course. Some of my fellow students are part of my monthly workgroup and took it up again to finish it. So I did also, I hope the blocks are finished in September, so I can choose fabric for the border and the back then.
And on another place in the livingroom are my selfedges.
The red blocks are on yet another place, 3 of them are finished now and the fabric for the 4th one is chosen.
Other little things were made also, a little pincushion for one of the teachers of Robbe, while he was stitching it, I made one for myself also, it was such a cutiepie! I'm afraid the picture isn't very sharp though.
Kroegendorp, loodsendorp, zeemansdorp
2 weken geleden