The first picture isn't appliqué, of course. It's another contribition to the Regenboogkussens. The lady for which the cushioncover is intended, likes the sea very much. As I like lighthouses a lot (what a surprise, lol) I couldn't resist to stitch one for her.
A dear friend of mine loves cats very much (a lot of needle artists do!) and she has her 55th birthday this year, so I wanted to bring my new skill in practice. She has a grey and a ginger cat, so I appliquéd them, I used the free charts of fatcatpatterns for it, trying to addapt the character of the cats a bit. I still have to quilt it, this will be a work for tomorrow.
The hearts, made in the workshop are quilted already and lying in a big tub to rince. Tomorrow I will set it to dry and I hope to put the final binding on monday or tuesday. There are some mistakes in it, but nobody is perfect from the first attempt and as long as I'm pleased with it, its OK, isn't it?
I hope to finish the cats too. On friday, we have the annual Show & tell of Calico House and I want to show my first ever finished projects in quilting there. It's been a nice ature, all these courses, but they are well worth it.