woensdag 4 mei 2011


A while ago, I decided to go to the frame shop and let some of my stitched lighthouses framed. They are proudly hanging on the wall, but haven't been photographed yet. So by this ...

There are some more in the closet to be framed and some are WIP's and UFO's and some unpacked... And some in my head for appliqué :-) !

maandag 2 mei 2011


The workshop of saturday was a big success for me. I enjoyed myself so much!

Not all shapes are round enough, but I'm sure I will practice the techniques a lot. This was a basic workshop with traditional application. In the fall, ther will be a longer course and I'm sure I will go to it, my heart is captured by it.

Now I have to think how I will finish it, I'm thinking of some enbroidery to complete it and then make it into a little wallhanging.

But first I will go with a bunch of ladies to the European quilting championships in Veldhoven on friday www.oecq.eu I wonder with what treasures I will come home. Of course my camera is an absolute must that day!