maandag 30 augustus 2010

Hexagons and E'burg Tattoo

I'm totally hooked on the hexagon theme now, did a lot more and even stitched some together. I've got to slow down this disease as I have other things on the go too.
Steinn ordered a quilt for his bed. He saw a nice one in a book, lucky for me very easy, only two templates to make, I will take a scan of it soon. Only plain colours used and he likes it that way. There's fishes on it.
This evening was the Royal Military Tattoo in Edinburgh on television. For the first time I had to watch it without my husband. My three grandsons kept me company though and for the occasion, Jelle wanted to wear a little kiltlike skirt. My heart was bleeding. The Tattoo was beautiful, the little motorriders we saw also on one of the Tattoos we attended while on holidays over there. Will I see this beautiful country ever again? And will I be able to visit it without too overwhelming emotions? I feel for myself it is too early to even think about visiting.

zondag 15 augustus 2010


The cushioncover for Marijn is ready, it has turned out lovely, as always with the Regenboogkussens. I'm sewing for another cushion with a sea theme, I will contribute with a All our Yesterdays design.

The Lizzy Kate Sal iw on his 6th month now, April and May are not shown yet, so with this...

I also finished another Christmascard, 2 others have to be framed yet and then I will be onn schedule for the yahoo group.

I did lots of little hexagons and finished some in flowers, boys, am I addicted! I alos made another basket, a red one for my red tinted hexies, the blue one has the blue tinted ones. Plans for a green one are on its way.
Stein and I went to our day out to the zoo. We had a lot of fun, especially in the frogs and birds department, searching for all the animals hidden between the leaves. We also spent time with Lambico, the little hippo that was born in May. This time I took my camera and I could shoot some nice pics.

dinsdag 3 augustus 2010


Here he is, as promised, the birthdaycard for Stein. I was lucky, the Blastoise was one of his favourtite pokemons, so I am a supergran in his eyes!
I had a great day out in the zoo with Jelle, he was in a cuddly day and just overloaded me with hughs and kisses in between the animalwatching. Especially the hippos were favourite this time, he wanted to see their mouth opening time after time.
I hope to have a lot of stitching done this week, it has been a while since I sewed some siggies and the bug is there again to send some out. And some stitching on the top we started in the patchwork classes need to be done too!